游戏名称:Granblue Fantasy Versus:Rising!这通电,改造续集GBVS是更愉快和访问比以往任何时候都。通过简化的输入选项,即使是新手也可以参与惊险和战略性的比赛!
名称: Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising
类型: 动作
开发商: Cygames, Inc., Arc System Works
发行商: Cygames, Inc.
系列: Granblue Fantasy Versus
发行日期: 2023 年 12 月 14 日

The latest installment in the GBVS series is taking the genre to new heights! Rise to glory in the definitive fighting game experience for beginners and veterans alike.

It’s a Party! Claim Your Crown in Grand Bruise Legends!
这是一个聚会!在Grand Bruise Legends中夺取您的王冠!

Need a break from matches? Take a breather and experience a one-of-a-kind island lobby filled with fun attractions. You can even go head-to-head with other players online in a variety of obstacle courses and survival games in an all-new party mode, Grand Bruise Legends!
需要从比赛中休息一下吗?休息一下,体验独一无二的岛屿大堂,这里充满了有趣的景点。你甚至可以在各种障碍课程和生存游戏中与其他玩家在全新的派对模式Grand Bruise Legends中进行在线对抗!

(Avatar, character, and mode availability is limited in the Free Edition.)

Stay Focused on the Battle, Not the Controls

Newcomers can fully enjoy the intensity and thrills of one-on-one combat without needing to memorize complicated controls—simple inputs can be used to perform skills with the press of a single button!

A Captivating Story Campaign Awaits

Embark on a journey through the vast skies of Granblue Fantasy and immerse yourself in an epic adventure while mastering the fundamentals of gameplay. As you take on more quests in this action RPG-inspired experience, you’ll continue to grow stronger.
踏上穿越Granblue Fantasy广阔天空的旅程,沉浸在史诗般的冒险中,同时掌握游戏的基本原理。当你在这个动作RPG启发的经验中承担更多的任务时,你会继续变得更强大。

Personalize the Experience On Every Level

Express yourself and show some love for your favorite Granblue characters through a variety of character colors, weapon skins, lobby avatars, and even a selectable partner character to cheer you on and give you advice!

Get Creative with the Digital Figure Studio
使用Digital Figure Studio进行创作

The only limit is your imagination—construct original dioramas from a massive collection of high-quality 3D models from the Granblue Fantasy Versus series!
唯一的限制是您从Granblue Fantasy Versus系列的大量高品质3D模型中获得的简化构造原始立体模型!

操作系统: Windows 10 (64-bit OS required)
处理器: AMD FX-4350, 4.2 GHz / Intel Core i5-3470, 3.20 GHz
内存: 4 GB RAM
显卡: Radeon HD 6870, 1 GB / GeForce GTX 650 Ti, 1 GB
DirectX 版本: 11
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 20 GB 可用空间



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