A tropical paradise seethes with hidden evil in Far Cry®, a cunningly detailed action shooter that pushes the boundaries of combat to shocking new levels. Freelance mariner Jack Carver is cursing the day he ever came to this island.

名称: Far Cry®
类型: 动作
开发商: Crytek Studios
发行商: Ubisoft
系列: Far Cry
发行日期: 2004 年 3 月 23 日



A tropical paradise seethes with hidden evil in Far Cry®, a cunningly detailed action shooter that pushes the boundaries of combat to shocking new levels.
Freelance mariner Jack Carver is cursing the day he ever came to this island. A week ago, a brash female reporter named Valerie had offered him an incredible sum of cash to take her to this unspoiled paradise. Shortly after docking, however, Jack’s boat was greeted by artillery fire from a mysterious militia group swarming about the island.
With his boat destroyed, his money gone, and the gorgeous Valerie suddenly missing, Jack now finds himself facing an army of mercenaries amidst the wilds of the island, with nothing but a gun and his wits to survive. But the further he pushes into the lush jungle canopy, the stranger things become.
Jack encounters an insider within the militia group who reveals the horrific details of the mercenaries’ true intentions. He presents Jack with an unsettling choice: battle the deadliest mercenaries, or condemn the human race to a maniac’s insidious agenda.

  • Feel the Far Cry engine – The meticulously designed, next-generation Far Cry engine pushes the threshold of action gaming with proprietary Polybump mapping, advanced environment and character physics, destructible terrain, dynamic lighting, motion-captured animation, and total surround sound.
  • Unparalleled long-range gunplay – Battle to the ends of the earth with Far Cry’s utterly unique, 800-meter scalable view system. Lock onto enemies from a distance with motion-sensing binoculars. Then choose your style of attack – from long-range sniping to ballistic close-quarters firefights – and everything in between.
  • Cunning and complex AI tactics – Battles never become repetitive when you face Far Cry’s unpredictable, intelligent AI mercenary units trained in advanced adaptive group tactics. Units include snipers, stalkers, scouts, and grenadiers who engage you from all angles, distances, and terrains in coordinated strikes. Commanders will even call for reinforcements by land, sea, or air.
  • Diverse combat action – Master a dynamic slate of combat skills – close-quarters combat, long-range shooting, search-and-destroy tactics, stealth operations, and combat driving skills through indoor and outdoor environments.
  • Heart-pounding atmosphere – Experience unprecedented drama and realism in a misleadingly perfect setting, with incredible lighting and shadows, adaptive audio, and weather effects.


Supported OS: Windows® 2000/XP (only)
Processor: AMD Athlon™ 1 GHz or Pentium® III 1 GHz
Memory: 256 MB
Graphics: 64 MB DirectX® 9.0b-compliant graphics card (see supported list*)
Sound: DirectX 9.0b compliant PCI card (Sound Blaster Audigy series recommended)
DirectX: DirectX 9.0b or higher
Hard Disk Space: 4 GB
Multiplay: Broadband with 64 Kbps upstream (512 Kbps upstream to host 8 players)
Mouse/Keyboard: Windows compatible mouse and keyboard required
Supported OS: Windows 2000/XP (only)
Processor: AMD Athlon 2-3 GHz or Pentium 4 2-3 GHz
Memory: 512-1024 MB
Sound: Sound Blaster® Audigy® series (see supported list*)
Graphics: 128 MB GeForce™ 4 128 MB to GeForce FX 5950; ATI Radeon 9500-9800 XT




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